李鲁群 教 授

发布者:管理员 网站发布时间:2017-05-05浏览次数:11382


近年来,先后主持了“基于动态蚁群算法无线传感器网络自适应路由协议的研究”、“无线移动Web服务描述及发现算法研究”、“基于DTN无线传感器网络拓扑控制的研究”、与Sherman (Xuemin) Shen教授合作申报了上海市中外合作白玉兰基金“无线传感器网络可容忍延迟路由算法可行性研究”,曾并作为项目组核心成员参加上海交大计算机系李明禄教授主持的国家自然科学基金“网格环境下事务处理技术的研究”、上海市科委“基于大型物流空间信息”重大科研项目。
Computer Communication& NetworkComputer Network Performance Analysis & SimulationWireless Computer NetworkJava ProgrammingJava ME Programming etcC & C++ Programming..
Emailliluqun@gmail.com success@shnu.edu.cn
[1]. Luqun Li, Xu Li and Xuemin Shen. Modeling and Analysis of Nodal Behavior in Delay Tolerant Wireless Sensor Networks. CHINACOM 2011.(To appear)
[2]. Luqun Li. Modeling and Analysis on a DTN Based Wireless Sensor Network Topology Control. International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security(IJCNIS) ISSN: 2074-9090 Special Issue.2009.11.
[3]. Luqun Li. A wireless sensor network routing protocol based on probability control algorithims. International Conference on Networks Security, Wireless Communications and Trusted Computing (NSWCTC 2010). Published by IEEE CS. 2010.04. EI Accession number: 20102813070684.
[4]. Luqun Li. An Integrated Framework for Wireless Sensor Web Service and Its Performance Analysis Based on Queue Theory. 2008. Heidelberg, D-69121, Germany: Springer Verlag. (EI Accession number: 085011772950).
 [5]. Luqun Li. and Jian Sun. Modeling and Performance Analysis on A Delay Tolerant Differentiated Wireless Sensor Web Service Framework. International Conference on Networks Security, Wireless Communications and Trusted Computing (NSWCTC 2009). Published by IEEE CS. 2009.04. EI Accession number: 20093012206884.
[6]. Luqun Li. A Dynamic Adaptive and Robust Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks. in Convergence and Hybrid Information Technology, 2008. ICCIT '08. Third International Conference on 2008. (EI Accession number: 090111824295).
[7]. Luqun Li. and MinLe. Zuo. A Dynamic Adaptive Routing Protocol for Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks. International Conference on Networks Security, Wireless Communications and Trusted Computing (NSWCTC 2009). Published by IEEE CS. 2009.04.EI Accession number: 20093012206713.
 [8]. Luqun Li. An Integrated Web Service Framework for Mobile Device Hosted Web Service and Its Performance Analysis. High Performance Computing and Communications, 2008. HPCC '08. 10th IEEE International Conference on. 2008.(EI Accession number: 084811737776).
[9]. Luqun Li. An Optimistic Differentiated Service Job Scheduling System for Cloud Computing Service Users and Providers. Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering (MUE 2009),Qingdao China,EI Accession number:20095312599509).
[10].Luqun Li and Minglu Li. Study on mobile phone-oriented application integration technology of Web services. Jisuanji Gongcheng Computer Engineering, 2005. 31(3): p. 119-120. (EI Accession number: 05129008365).
[1] “无线传感器网络可容忍延迟路由算法的可行性研究”(预研项目)。项目来源:上海市科委的上海市白玉兰中外合作项目(编号:2010B086(2010.5~2011.5)。项目负责人。
[2] “无线传感器网络可容忍延迟路由算法的究” . 项目来源:上海市教委(2011.1~2012.12)。项目负责人,
[3] 网格环境下事务处理技术的研究(项目编号:60473092项目来源:国家自然科学基金。在项目中排名第三。